Photo Galleries
Highlights from the 2010 INSIGHT summer class
This gallery includes different shots from the Summer INSIGHT class attended by teachers and fellows. The shots include a close up of a circuit board created for the distance sensors and the robot with the finished sensor; shots from a tour of the Kansas State University Soil sample Lab; and a presentation given in class.
Sediment Results
These are pictures from the third visit to Udall Elementary. In this trip we measured and weighed the dried samples and compared them to students hypothesizes and our sensor readings.
Wii Remote Accelerometer Activity
This is one way that I incorporated sensory technology into my weight lifting classes at Wamego High School. We used Velcro to strap on a Wii remote to an Olympic bar in order to measure each student's acceleration while doing the bench press lift. We projected a graph of the accelerometer onto the ceiling of the weightroom, therefore, students could watch their acceleration and movements during the lift. The red represents the reps, the blue represents the left/right movement and the green represents the forward/backwards movement. It was a great experience for my weightlifting classes.
Creating a game on a Droid phone
A Fellow and a high school student work in problem solving programming issues in a tank game they are creating using a Droid phone.