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  Lesson Ideas

March of the Primes

A simple XNA video game for reinforcing recognition of prime numbers.  Runs only on Windows machines.  Unzip and run setup.exe.

Contributed by Nathan Bean

Balloon Bridges

This activity focuses on teaching students all about the engineering design process.  Students must plan and execute a prototype using rubber bands. They will then adjust their design and produce a final bridge made with balloons.

Contributed by Joshua Weese

Updated Squishy Circuits

Here are my slides and worksheets for squishy circuits.

Contributed by Brian Cain

VR Head Tracking

Teach students about how 3D vision works using a wiimote and lightbar.

Contributed by Emily Jordan

Wiimote Football!

Students toss around a football with a wiimote in it.  A projector screen displays a graph showing the the acceleration of the football in three dimensions.

Contributed by Joseph Lancaster

Geocaching in Elementary Physical Education

Students learn how to use handheld GPS units to find caches on the playground.

Contributed by Joseph Lancaster